Portrait Branding Sessions


If you are committed to building and branding yourself this year, portrait branding is for you and your business.

Must be inspiring, confident, strong-willed, intelligent, and driven women who are excited about doing something for themselves this year.

Creating an impact on your business with stunning images to boost your confidence and visibility to your future clients.

Let’s have a chat, meet for coffee or brunch, and discuss your vision of building your brand visually.

If you get into the heart of what I do and why, you’ll find that I create a welcoming environment for women to release their fears and insecurities, step out of their zone, and become comfortable with themselves enough to embrace their image.

I continue to use authenticity and my own experience. I make sure that women understand that it’s okay to feel hesitant but to understand that photographs are powerful, just like they are, and become empowered by the essence of their beauty in the finished image.

I love helping entrepreneurs who are driven and want to change the way they view themselves and their businesses. If you’re interested, I invite you to a complimentary consultation with me to discuss a portrait branding session.

Email:[email protected]


Glamour Services

LeSha Brewer Photography & Designs will offer hair & makeup services for clients. These services will be available to clients as an extra add-on to photography services. The hairstylist/makeup artist fee can be included in the selected portrait package, depending on the selected portrait session.

Portrait Sessions Include:

Portrait Branding Sessions

Boudoir Portrait Session

Bridal/Wedding Day Coverage*

Fashion Portrait Session

Specific packages will have the details of what service will be provided: hair, makeup, or both. The deposit for hair & makeup services will also need to be rendered on a specified date along with the portrait session deposit fee.  The deposit is ½ of the photography fee and ½ of the service fee.


The Lovely Glam Squad *

Are you a makeup artist, hair stylist, fashion stylist, or designer that would like to partner with 

LB PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGNS? Apply at facebook.com/leshabrewerphotography